Marine Cellular
Application Details
Our marine cellular concrete design is a lightweight, impervious material which can be placed or pumped into a submerged environment while remaining a homogenous mix. This material is designed with anti-wash out properties for underwater or tidal zone applications.
Marine cellular grout is heavier than water, but considerably lighter than concrete and can be designed for a wide range of densities and strengths.
Cellular Grout Production Services uses only ASTM approved Admixtures and reliable, high quality equipment for our grout installation. When your production area is confined to a small area Cellular Grout Production Services is the only solution. Our equipment will fit on the side walk or along the Pier or waterway.
High Bearing Capacity. Strengths and densities designed for project needs.
Highly Pumpable. Can be placed in difficult access locations.
Displaces Water. Can be placed in submerged environments.
Impervious. Protect timber piles from marine organisms.
Highly Flowable. Will fill small or hard to reach areas.